what a delightful concoction - m&m's with peanut butter!
you may have pegged me for a foodie snob (guilty), but there are some things in life that transgress even a cleansed palette. the aforementioned items fall into this category. i, unlike many i know, am NOT a chocolate snob. i love chocolate. and frankly, the more cloyingly sweet, the better. milk? yummy! dark? delectable! white? not even real chocolate, but oh so good! i will take a hershey's kiss over any belgian chocolate, any day (no offense debbie & dino!). i LOVE my low cocoa content american chocolate - is it a throwback to my childhood? have my tastebuds been hijacked by memory? maybe. but who cares! it's chocolate.
established: m&m's are delicious (bear with me). how about some peanut butter with that? smooth only please, the thought of chunky does not entice. creamy, salty, fatty - oh, i'm getting hungry. a spoonful of peanut butter, sprinkled with m&m's - a delicious bedtime snack! try to stop at five servings, usually my threshold. i've read that eating peanut butter before going to bed allows one to wake up refreshed and clear ... i'm sold!
don't tell anyone my secret, this is kind of embarrassing!
you may have pegged me for a foodie snob (guilty), but there are some things in life that transgress even a cleansed palette. the aforementioned items fall into this category. i, unlike many i know, am NOT a chocolate snob. i love chocolate. and frankly, the more cloyingly sweet, the better. milk? yummy! dark? delectable! white? not even real chocolate, but oh so good! i will take a hershey's kiss over any belgian chocolate, any day (no offense debbie & dino!). i LOVE my low cocoa content american chocolate - is it a throwback to my childhood? have my tastebuds been hijacked by memory? maybe. but who cares! it's chocolate.
established: m&m's are delicious (bear with me). how about some peanut butter with that? smooth only please, the thought of chunky does not entice. creamy, salty, fatty - oh, i'm getting hungry. a spoonful of peanut butter, sprinkled with m&m's - a delicious bedtime snack! try to stop at five servings, usually my threshold. i've read that eating peanut butter before going to bed allows one to wake up refreshed and clear ... i'm sold!
don't tell anyone my secret, this is kind of embarrassing!
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